Friday, June 26, 2009

Abstracts From A Wedding

People do not have to feature in every picture made at a wedding, as I wondered around the location with my mind on the people and the ceremony my photographic eye continued to scout about for frames of interest. In doing so, I couldn't resist the texture of the cobblestone flooring nor those wonderfully changing perspective lines forming from out the identically laid tiling pictured above. Neither could I prevent myself from popping the Lens Baby 2.0 onto the D70 to capture the chairs posted below. In hindsight though I would have placed a single flower on the featured seat, providing a spot of color further defining my chosen focal point. ( I know I could PS one in but for me the art is photography, not post process graphic manipulation. ) Another lesson learned.

I wouldn't be true to my heritage if I failed to be inspired by a kilt, and there in the background is once again that fabulous stone floor.

And yes, this is a people picture, but you must admit that it does have an element of abstract to it, and that really is my point - for the photographer who looks around, there is always another photo ready to be captured.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Wedding Shoot

The Bride Is the Star...

As much as I enjoyed shooting the float planes at Sandy Point in Salmon Arm I was excited to leave the event early in order to shoot at my nephews wedding. Things at the wedding did not turn out quite as expected but I liked being there anyway and feel that I took a lot away in the experience.

It turned out that although I thought I was being recognized as an event photographer, shooting second to a pro brought in from afar, nobody else recognized me as any else than just another bystander with a fancy camera (including the pro!)! Combine the lack of recognition with a lack of confidence and what do you get? Just another bystander with a fancy camera!

For all of that I gained more lessons than good photographs but I am ok with it because I wasn't being paid and therefore can not be guilty of letting anybody down, and I am ok with it because I did get a few shots I am happy with as well as receiving those valuable life lessons which I shall carry with me wherever I go.

The bride signing papers at the rehearsal...

Together as man and wife.

The groom with his brother and best man.

I didn't lose a nephew - I gained a niece! Best wishes to you Raymond and Amanda and I pray your life together will be as blessed as my own marriage to your Aunt has been.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shuswap Lake Float Plane Fly In 2009, Pt III

Well the nine day fly in is over for this spring and though I personally was only able to attend three days I know it was a wonderful event. Fortunately the Grindrod Airforce and the Shuswap Lake Aero Modellers host a Fall Fly In, the Fall Classic, an eight day event that occurs in September. My calendar is marked.

I know that this is a lot of photos for a blog but it is not nearly as many as this great event, with its awesome planes and pilots deserves. It is my intent to upload photography of ALL the wonderful planes I shot - not here, but elsewhere - so follow this Blog or check back once in awhile because when I have found venue I will post the information.

Speaking of information, if any of you fine viewers can identify any planes or pilots shown here please leave me a comment and I will revise titles so we all can know. The same goes if you spot anything that needs correction.

On The Apron. OS2 Kingfisher in training colors, DHC-6 Twin Otter, 1/4 scale Piper Cub, 1/3 scale Piper Cub

Wish I had seen this one fly!

I didn't see this one fly either, but I bet is goes "like stink".

A Piper Cub taxis out while a Maule and a Beaver stand by.
Notice the clear blue sky? It was like that the whole time.

Fairchild 91 ???

DHC-6 Twin Otter

A magnificent 1/3 scale Piper Cub

Ker Sploosh!!!

Same crash, spun around the float and nosing in !!!

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Yellow-Cub-Tub.
Res-Q-One, the Airforce's retreaval craft earning its keep.

Maule C-FKNA patiently awaiting its turn, which I believe was its maiden flight!

C-FKNA rolling by the pilot before taxi for take-off...

...and a successful take off is witnessed by a Common Loon, another great flyer that prefers taking off and landing on the water.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shuswap Lake Float Plane Fly In 2009, Part II

I must admit that I am really enjoying the Grindrod Airforce Spring Fly In, 2009. Today's blog is a tough selection from Tuesday, June 2. I showed up when the afternoon light was right on Sunday but by then the flyers had finished for the day (Don't these people know that morning light from a western shoreline and high noon sunshine makes for poor photography?). A surprise visitor kept me away from Monday's fly, howwever I did manage to hang out all day yesterday and over three hundred photos have survived the first round of the delete key!

After I post this entry I am on my way back to Sandy Point Campground for another afternoon of picture making in the Okanagan - Shuswap sun ( I think I'll put sunblock on this time!).

"Hello tower, request permission to take off"

Piper Cub lifting off.

Canadair water bomber taking off.

Canadair in flight.

Is this where it all began?

I like how this Cessna 195 'Floats'.

Is it live or is it ...." Beautifully realistic DeHavallind Beaver.

Today's blog may be over but the flying continues...