Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our New Scottish Fold Cats

Scottish Fold cats are a truly unique breed within the realm of the domestic cat; deeply affectionate, highly intelligent, vocally articulate yet soft-spoken, Folds have established a well deserved reputation as superb feline pets.

Years ago while living near Smithers, BC., my young family took great pleasure in a folded-ear and a straight-eared Fold that were bred in Prince Rupert, BC.. Earlier this year my wife found two Scottish Folds available to a good home, so once affairs were in order, my son and I drove to, coincidently, Prince Rupert to bring home our new friends, the queen is with my wife and I while our son has given a wonderful home to the neutered male.

By a genetic quirk Scottish Folds are bred to other breeds of cats that do not have folded ears and the result is typically half a litter with folded ears with the other half of the litter having straight ears. All the kittens retain the unique and sought after Fold personality. If both the Queen and the Tom are Scottish Fold the litter is likely to be deformed or otherwise deficient. We wanted kittens, therefore we chose to let her breed with a straight eared breed of cat in order to have a healthy brood.

The young were born on June 1, 2010. All are black with some white marking, except for the fluffy-puffy little holstein look-a-like who is white with black spotting!

Our son has chosen a dear little clone of its sweet mother and will be taking it home in another month, and then his "Bawler" will have a companion cat around the house. We haven't decided if we will keep one of these kittens or breed one more time before having our sweetheart spayed, we do agree however that we will be adding one more Scottish Fold permanently into our home, it is simply a matter of selection - and when they are all so sweet, it can be hard to choose.

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This is our mother cat. She was previously named "Sophia," but we simply call her "Beautiful."

This is a snapshot when they were only days old.

Here they are curled up with Mom. Being so black they are difficult to photograph.

They are steadily gaining their feet under them and are sure to be a pleasant nuisance under foot within days now. Once they are more active, I will take opportunity to make some decent photographs of the little cuties as they play their way to readiness for their new homes. By the way, are you interested in a kitten? Use the comments if so...